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Do you charge for Delivery?
No - delivery is always free. All you need to do is meet our minimum spend. (£10) If you are buying any of our set boxes (fruit and veg, meat or recipe boxes), then there is no minimum spend.
How do I Pause my Deliveries?
Simply choose the dates you want to start and finish the pause.
If you want to change or stop a pause that you have set for your next delivery, just select ‘Unpause now’. If the pause is scheduled to start on a future date, select ‘Edit pause’ at the bottom of your ‘Next delivery’ list.
How do I add or update my delivery instructions?
You can leave delivery instructions to let us know a safe, cool and dry spot to leave your box, and anything else you think we need to know. Simply popa note on your order to let your driver know what to do
Need to give us any specific guidance, such as a gate code, or that you'll be leaving out a cool box for us to pop your items into? or if you just need a hand updating your instructions, or have any questions, you can get in touch via Chat on our website or call me direct 7 days on 07966-512-382
What Should I Do with my Packaging?
Feel free to recycle your packaging or if you prefer then just leave outside (covered up) the evening before your delivery. Your driver will collect the packaging when they drop off your order in the morning.
When do you deliver? Do I need to be at home?
We deliver from quite early in the morning on your delivery day.
You don’t need to be at home – more than 90% of our customers are out or likely to be asleep when we deliver. Our driver will knock on your door to let you know you delivery has arrived (if it's after8am)
What should I do if my box hasn’t arrived?
We very rarely miss a delivery, so don’t panic if it’s a bit later than usual. If it’s very late, get in touch after midday on07966-512-382.Our vehicle is tracked and leaves a GPS trail so we very rarely have any problems
What should I do if there’s a problem with my delivery?
We work hard to bring you outstanding produce – but fresh fruit and veg, working early morning and sometimes with little light means things wont always be perfect. We try to catch any problems early, but if something slips through, please don’t suffer in silence.We'd much rather know and retain our customers
Please let us know so we can put it right and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Get in touch via text/whatsapp or call me direct 7 days on 07966-512-382